Protestnikov v Kijevu ni ubijal Janukovič, ostrostrelce so najeli majdanski vstajniki.
Objavljeno Mar 05, 2014

Snajpersiti so bili najeti iz strani majdanskih liderjev, informacija, ki je pricurljala na plano na osnovi telefonskega pogovora med estonskim zunanjim ministrom in Catherine Ashton, predstavnico EU za zunanjo politiko. Torej, ljudi v Kijevu ni ubijal Janukovič, ampak vstajniki. 

The snipers who shot at protesters and police in Kiev were allegedly hired by Maidan leaders, according to a leaked phone conversation between the EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign affairs minister, which has emerged online.

“There is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition,” Urmas Paet said during the conversation.

“I think we do want to investigate. I mean, I didn’t pick that up, that’s interesting. Gosh,” Ashton answered.

The call took place after Estonia’s Foreign Minister Urmas Paet visited Kiev on February 25, following the peak of clashes between the pro-EU protesters and security forces in the Ukrainian capital.